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Creature Ideas

claire-nouvian-the-deep-marrus-orthocanna claire-nouvian-the-deep-glowing-sucker-octupus claire-nouvian-the-deep-fanfin-seadevil Exif_JPEG_PICTURE claire-nouvian-the-deep-benthocodonCreature Ideas

I have also been looking into ideas for designs for creatures that only my main character will see. After watching a documentary on James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’, it said that alot of the aliens were based on organisms he found in the deep. My designs will be simple as I am not an animator, but I have a few ideas of how I can animate them to look professional. I may even look to try some simple designs in Maya so that I could add some 3D elements to them. However, I have not done this before so will only test them out.

I will upload them once i’m happy with some.

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